

The Kerberos protocol defines how clients interact with a network authentication service.

On the other hand, authorization is accomplished using Privilege Attribute Certificate (PAC) data.

Kerberos Tickets

Clients obtain tickets from the Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC), which uses Active Directory as its account database, and they present these tickets to servers, as network credentials.

Ticket-Granting Ticket

Originally, The client used his master key which is derived from the user password to decrypt session keys received from KDC.

To avoid users to enter their passwords frequently, the protocol introduces the usage of the ticket.

When a user logs on, the client requests a ticket for the KDC just as it would request a ticket for any other service. The KDC responds by creating a logon session key and a ticket for the KDC's full ticket-granting service.


Applications that use AP exchange messages directly are typically called "kerberized" applications. Most applications use the Generic Security Service Application Program Interface (GSS-API) and can even be wrapped by higher-level abstractions such as Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) [RFC2222].

When an application wants to use Kerberos-based authentication, it uses either the higher-level SSPI API to invoke Kerberos directly; or it uses SPNEGO [MS-SPNG], which in turn invokes Kerberos.

MS-KILE Extension

Microsoft extend the Keberos authorization data to provide the server with additional information such as:

  • Group membership

  • Claims

  • Interactive logon information

  • Integrity levels


A collection of key distribution centers (KDCs) with a common set of principals, as described in [RFC4120] section 1.2.

An administrative boundary that uses one set of authentication servers to manage and deploy a single set of unique identifiers.

A realm is a unique logon space.

Authentication Service

Kerberos V5 is composed of three exchanges:

  • The Authentication Service (AS) exchange

  • The Ticket-Granting Service (TGS) exchange

  • The Client/Server Authentication Protocol (AP) exchange

The AS exchange and TGS exchange are transported by Kerberos implementations. The AP exchange is passive and relies on an upper-layer application protocol to carry the AP exchange messages.


The ticket formats are defined in [RFC4120] section 5.3.

The exchange message format is defined in [RFC4120] section 5.4 using the ASN.1.

Also, we can consume the code in Impakct packages to understand the protocol:

from pyasn1.type import tag, namedtype, univ, constraint, char, useful
class KDC_REQ(univ.Sequence):
    componentType = namedtype.NamedTypes(
        _msg_type_component(2, (constants.ApplicationTagNumbers.AS_REQ.value,
        _sequence_optional_component('padata', 3,
        _sequence_component('req-body', 4, KDC_REQ_BODY())

class AS_REQ(KDC_REQ):
    tagSet = _application_tag(constants.ApplicationTagNumbers.AS_REQ.value)

    tagSet = _application_tag(constants.ApplicationTagNumbers.TGS_REQ.value)

Both KRB_TGS_REQ and KRB_AS_REQ have a common structure as the KRB_KDC_REQ message.

On the other hand, the KRB_KDC_REP message format is used for the reply from the KDC for either an initial (AS) request or a subsequent (TGS) request.

AS Exchange

The client presents its principal name and shall present pre-authentication information ([RFC4120] sections 5.2.7 and 7.5.2) in the KRB_AS_REQ message to request a ticket-granting ticket (TGT) from the KDC ([RFC4120] section 5.3).


By tracing the packets seen in the Kerberos process, we can see that the first KRB_AS_REQ message contains PA-PAC-REQUEST as the padata, then a second KRB_AS_REQ is sent with pa-enc-timestamp padata if the Kerberos client receives an error message when pre-authentication is required.

Refer to the code in the Kerberos implementation of function getKerberosTGT in Impacket, we see the Kerberos client is expecting a Kerberos error message:

    # This should be the PREAUTH_FAILED packet or the actual TGT if the target principal has the
    # 'Do not require Kerberos preauthentication' set
    preAuth = True
        asRep = decoder.decode(r, asn1Spec = KRB_ERROR())[0]
        # Most of the times we shouldn't be here, is this a TGT?
        asRep = decoder.decode(r, asn1Spec=AS_REP())[0]
        # Yes
        preAuth = False

Then it computes the encrypted timestamp using the client's key to prepare the padata to be sent in the second KRB_AS_REQ to demonstrate its knowledge of the user's key.

        # Let's build the timestamp
        timeStamp = PA_ENC_TS_ENC()

        now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        timeStamp['patimestamp'] = KerberosTime.to_asn1(now)
        timeStamp['pausec'] = now.microsecond

        # Encrypt the shyte
        encodedTimeStamp = encoder.encode(timeStamp)

        # Key Usage 1
        # AS-REQ PA-ENC-TIMESTAMP padata timestamp, encrypted with the
        # client key (Section
        encriptedTimeStamp = cipher.encrypt(key, 1, encodedTimeStamp, None)

TGS Exchange

The client presents the TGT, a Kerberos authenticator, and the service principal name (SPN) in the request sent to the KDC for a service ticket for the server.

Kerberos Authenticator

A timestamp encrypted with the TGS session key derived in the KRB_AS_REP used to demonstrate the knowledge of the session key in the accompanying ticket.

The authenticator is embedded in a KRB_AP_REQ carried by the KRB_TGS_REQ message as a PA_TGS_REQ padata field, refer to the [RFC4120] section 5.5.1.

Implementation in the function getKerberosTGS of the Impacket package:

    # Key Usage 7
    # TGS-REQ PA-TGS-REQ padata AP-REQ Authenticator (includes
    # TGS authenticator subkey), encrypted with the TGS session
    # key (Section 5.5.1)
    encryptedEncodedAuthenticator = cipher.encrypt(sessionKey, 7, encodedAuthenticator, None)
    apReq['authenticator']['cipher'] = encryptedEncodedAuthenticator
    encodedApReq = encoder.encode(apReq)
    tgsReq['padata'][0]['padata-type'] = int(constants.PreAuthenticationDataTypes.PA_TGS_REQ.value)
    tgsReq['padata'][0]['padata-value'] = encodedApReq

Ticket-Granting Ticket

Contained in the padata of an encoded AP-REQ request body as seen in the [RFC4120] section

Implementation in the function getKerberosTGS of the Impacket package:

AP Exchange

The client presents the ticket ([RFC4120] section 5.3) and a new authenticator ([RFC4120] section 5.5.1). The server will decrypt the ticket, validate the authenticator, and can use any authorization data ([RFC4120] section 5.2.6) contained in the ticket for access control.

Service Principal Name (SPN)

A unique identifier associates a service instance with a service sign-in account.


An SPN must be unique in a forest in which it is registered.

<service class>/<host>:<port>/<service name>

Common service classes can be found here:


Typically, SPN registration is done by a service installation program running with domain administrator privileges.

Privilege Attribute Certificate (PAC)

The Privilege Attribute Certificate (PAC) was created to provide the authorization data, which the Kerberos protocol doesn't provide, for Kerberos Protocol Extensions [MS-KILE].

Into the PAC structure [MS-KILE] encodes authorization information, which consists of group memberships, additional credential information, profile, and policy information, and supporting security metadata.

The Kerberos protocol allows a field within the Kerberos ticket to carry authorization information, and Windows uses that field to carry information about Windows groups.

Keytab File


We can use the command ktpass on windows to

  • configure the server principal name for the host or service in Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) and

  • generate a .keytab file that contains the shared secret key of the service.

C:\> ktpass /princ host/ /mapuser User1 /pass MyPas$w0rd /out machine.keytab /crypto all /ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL /mapop set

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